
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Earth Day, a day to take action to help the environment and your dog!

Earth Day, Saturday, April 22nd, is a very special day. One of our absolute favorite days of the year!

Although we celebrate Earth Day every day here at Raise A Green Dog, this day is the one day of the year that lot of two and four leggers salute our amazing planet and brings awareness to it's needs.

Our planet Earth is very's where we live, eat, sleep, play, laugh, smile, work, and most importantly, love! And it's where all the generations to come will do the same.

That's why taking care of our planet is so important. So that we, and generations that follow us, can enjoy it, healthily and happily now and far into the future.

On past Earth Days we've shared tips on how you can be more green, be more healthy, and help join in the efforts to help sustain our planet. You can read the links below for past Earth Day tips and info.

For Earth Day this year, we want you to make just one simple change in your dog's life that will help them live a happier, healthier life; so they can be with you as long and happily as absolutely possible.

This one simple change doesn't have to be a big change, it could be a simple, easy change. But change we encourage, and change we support!

Visit our prior year Earth Day posts listed below for lots of tips and information about how to bring positive, green, healthy change to your dog's life. And, then come back here and leave a comment about how you are working towards a healthier, happier pup and environment. Share your pawsome ideas with other great, green dog families!

2008 - Today is Earth Day! 2009 - Happy Earth Day - a day to celebrate and learn! 2010 - Little things you can do to help the environment and your dog on Earth Day 2011 - Happy Earth Day!

For more ideas, you can visit our website's "Learn to Be Green" section.

Happy Earth Day every one and every pup!


  1. I'm celebrating Earth Day at the theater seeing Chimpanzee. Twenty cents from every ticket purchased during the week of April 20th goes to the Jane Goodall Institute for the “See ‘Chimpanzee,’ Save Chimpanzees” conservation program. I'm looking forward to it!

  2. I always make sure to give water to my dogs twice a day. I am sure they also feel the effects of global warming.

    Good to know yo have a blog like this which not only care for human but also with the eart and dogs or pets in general.

  3. Looks great! Thanks for sharing the post.
