
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

DIY: Make your own doggie cooling vest and backpack from old cargo pants

Surfing around the Internet, we found this really great idea for a dog cooling vest and backpack all in one made out of some old cotton cargo pants.

We thought it was a great DIY idea we wanted to share with you!

Just  few helpful tips:
  • Utilize light colored cargo pants for darker dogs, especially, to reflect the heat from the sun.
  • You can mix one part rubbing alcohol to three parts water and add to a freezer bag to make your own ice packs.
  • Utilize sand in reused baggies to add weight to your dogs pack. Be sure that your dog can handle the extra load of a backpack before venturing out on a long walk/hike.
  • This design includes a water proof layer on the inside so you can utilize it as a cooling vest and a dog raincoat, too.
  • Don't have cargo pants? Visit your local Goodwill or Salvation Army store and pick up some, larger sizes for larger dogs, smaller sizes for smaller dogs.
  • Some dogs needs some training to wear a vest or pack like this. Utilize clicker training and some treats inside for a few minutes at a time to get your dog used to wearing this great vest/pack.

Photo and instructions courtesy of obake on Instructables.