Robin and Joseph Everett, founders and hosts of the popular weekly pet podcast from TPPC.tv, are hosting a great line up of guests tonight including my Mum, and Gail Van Wart from Peaked Mt. Farm and Bite O’Blue dog treats (our good friends from Twitter), a BlogPaws update with Yvonne DiVita, and Amazon Cares own Molly Mednikow, plus the DMV’s helping her with her mission, Dr. Patrick Mahaney and Dr.V.
A green product spotlight and giveaway featuring TropiClean, Imperial Cat and Purr & Simple will also be held tonight, here's more info!
So tune in at 6:30 PM EST tonight (Thursday) and click here to listen live or jump into the chat room to talk to us during the show! You can listen on demand or download through iTunes, if you can't make the live show.
Oh and did you know? TPPC.TV is a Green Production Studio! Yep, that's right, their studio is solar powered and they generate more electricity than they use so they are giving back to the grid. Cool huh?
Don't miss it! Tune in at 6:30 PM ET and learn more about helping your dog be green!
If you missed the show, you can listen here!!!
Yay! A new superstar!