
Thursday, July 23, 2009

We're a guest on Dog Sport Magazine's website!

Over the next couple of months, Mum and I are going to be guest blogging over at Dog Sport Magazine.

We are super honored to be able to share some green dog tips and information with some of the most elite dog sports enthusiasts in the country!

Our first blog post - What is a Green Dog - was posted just yesterday. So head on over and take a look. And if you're into dog sports - rally, obedience, disc dog, dock dog, dog agility and more - check out some of the other articles on the site for great info!

In the coming days we hope to be able to offer Raise A Green Dog readers a discount for a subscription to the magazine, so stay tuned! And in the meantime, check out a free issue!


  1. Congratulations! I look forward to reading woor articles on Dog Sport blog!


  2. Great site. Totally different to most other dog based sites. I like it.
