
Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas and Happy Howlidays from me, Gracie and Mum, Leslie!


  1. yay Yappy Howlidays to you too! :)

    Hey the Mum wants to know if you know of any green mops that are safe with dogs and maybe we can wash in the laundry and reuse? We searched your site but didn't find anything about mops!

    Thanks Johann!

  2. Hey Tatum! Mum got one of those inexpensive dry cloth mops like a swiffer (since you can attached pretty much any thin cloth to it).

    Then she uses a dry old cotton wash cloth or vacuum to get the dry dust and dirt up. Then uses an environmentally and safe cleaner or vinegar and water to wet the cloth and put it back on the swiffer to mop the floor.

    We really like the system, pretty quick and easy.

    Hope it helps and let us know what you end up with, we love new ideas!
