
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Eco-friendly shelter saves environment, money!

News from zootoo:
ALBURQUERQUE, N.M. -- More and more shelters across the country are helping animals and trying to save the environment. One such shelter in Albuquerque is giving recycling a whole new meaning.

Sometimes doing the right thing is not easy. It often takes quite a bit of effort -- and in this case -- quite a bit of sweat. But it is how to build green on a budget.

Watermelon Mountain Ranch took a hard look at the shelter’s possible impact on the desert environment, and an even harder look at its bank account -- leaving facilities manager Rick Dillender to act as a one man construction crew at times.



  1. With the green movement all sorts of small businesses are finding was to go green using wind, solar, conservation and recycling. Kudos for those like this shelter that actually put their words into action.

  2. hey...
    i vote for your blog on bloggers choice award...
    success for you!

  3. Ill vote for your blog too
