
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

10 green cat and dog tips from PetDoc!

Our good friends over at had a great blog post the other day on 10 green cat and dog tips. And they were kind enough to use one of ours!

Here are just a a couple of their tips - ones we loved that we haven't talked about yet...

9) Re-purpose old cat litter

If you have moles, pour some used cat litter into mole tunnels in your backyard instead of using traps or poisons. Moles hate the smell of soiled cat litter. (Source: Arden Moore)

1) Recycle pet food cans and bags

Rinse empty pet food cans and recycle them. Put empty foods bags in the paper recycling bin.

Great tips, huh?

If you're not familiar with, check it out. The site has a wealth of pet health and care information. It was started by CEO Brian Hankin, who developed the idea as a result of an unfortunate situation with his own dog. Murphy, Hankin's Golden Retriever/Lab mix, was vomiting at 2AM one Saturday morning. Hankin scoured the Internet looking for help but quickly realized that there just wasn't one single place with good, reliable information out there. About 6 months later, PetDoc launched.