According to the Sydney Morning Herald, having a green pet is becoming more and more of a priority.
Consider these stats: 63% of Australian households, one of the highest rates in the world, own a pet. This includes 2.75 million dogs, 2.3 million cats, 9 million birds, 20 million fish and, increasingly, reptiles. Earlier this year, carbon-trading company Easy Being Green estimated that an average cat causes almost half a ton of greenhouse gas emissions per year, and a dog produces 1.75 tons. So how do you keep your pet green?
The tTeasdale's four-month-old Hebe is lying on a cushion in the sun. Her paw flies up to catch a twist of paper dangling on a length of string above her. This homemade kitten toy is one way that owner Sarah Teasdale's family minimizes the environmental impact of its new member. "I don't want to use up valuable resources," says Teasdale.
Read more about how to help your pet go green!
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