
Monday, November 12, 2007

News: Cat or Dog - which is better for the environment!

Some say that the world is divided between cat people and dog people. Not in our family, we love all animals! Are folks now thinking in the extreme and asking themselves, "is it time we began choosing our pets on another basis altogether - the environment?" In a recent article from the Sydney Morning Herald...
"Both cats and dogs can have a detrimental effect on the environment," says Rodney van der Ree, senior ecologist at the Australian Research Centre for Urban Ecology. "But I would have to say that in terms of predation at least, cats are the worst offenders."


  1. Hi Johann,
    I found your new site while voting for you on Spicy Page. This is a great idea for a blog, and I wish you luck with it. I'll be back to visit often as it's very interesting, and I've posted a link to you on my site.
    Chris, Abby and Rosie

  2. This blog has been Introduced. Rate and review it on!

  3. Excellent article...I can't decide which as we have 2 dogs and 3 cats here. I stopped by to let you know I've given your blog the "Be the Blog" award and you can pick it up at Actually it applies to all of your blogs-they are all excellent and help our furry friends.

  4. Interesting blog. Check out
    Your dog is beautiful!
    We have the movie you mention here. My daughter loves it.
